How do I transfer songs via iTunes?


Freegal music has its own iOS Application that can be downloaded from the App Store. Some users may still wish to download songs to their PC and synch to their mobile device, as they will have the advantage of having a copy of their music their computer's memory.

Apple, the manufacturer of the iPhone and the iPad, has created their devices without the ability to download music directly, unless going through the iTunes store or using an approved application. To get music on the iPhone, iTouch or iPad, we recommend the following procedure: 

  1. Download Freegal files to your computer desktop by doing the following:
    1. Press “download now”
    2. Press “save”. 
    3. Direct download to desktop.
  2. Next, import the file into iTunes. We believe the easiest way to do this is:

    Open iTunes then drag the file from the desktop to the open application. The next time you sync your device the Freegal file will be both on your “home base” computer and your mobile device.


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